Wavalien,help me.
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I can no longer remove the fins. I think the hexagonal hole in the screw is broken. Even if I insert the fin key into the screw, it spins idle.
I have the same experience as you. The cause may be the finkey, not the screw.
This time, I will talk about what to do when the fins cannot be removed.

The cause may be that the corner of the fin-key was broken, not the hexagonal hole of the screw was crushed.
Let me tell you my case. I thought the cause was the hexagonal hole in the screw. I imagined that the hexagonal corners broke as I used the fins many times. Even if I stab a fin-key, it just spins idle. I bought a new screw.

Did you buy a new screw when you still can’t remove the screw on the surfboard?
That’s right. I thought the screw was the cause. Therefore, I thought that I needed to replace it with a new screw, so I bought it.

After that, how did you remove the screw on the surfboard?
It was an amazing ending. I have multiple fin keys. However, I did not replace the fin key. I used the same fin key for a long time. I couldn’t remove the screw from the surfboard, so I casually tried using a new fin key. Then, I was able to easily remove the screw.

Was there a cause in the fin key?
I compared the old fin key with the new fin key. The old fin key was broken because the hexagonal corners were worn out. That’s why it was spinning.

I will also replace it with a new fin key.
I imagined that the fin key material is probably less hard than the screw material.
Do you all have similar experiences? If you cannot remove the screw, first replace it with a new fin key.

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