Learn to duck dive-Basic methods

Learn to duck dive-Basic methods

Duck dive is difficult for beginners.
If you can’t duck dive, you can’t go outside.
Also, if you are not good at duck dive, you will be exhausted.
This time, I will talk about effective duck dive methods.

What you can see in this article

・Purpose and necessity of duck dive 

・Avoid duck dives if possible

・Duck dive method

Purpose and necessity of duck dive

I convey the purpose and need for a duck dive.

The waves come from offshore to the shore.
When the waves break, it becomes soup.
This soup tries to bring you back to the shore.
The bigger the wave, the stronger this force.
You need to avoid soup well.
The soup goes on the surface of the waves.
There is no soup in the waves and it is quiet.
You need to dive with a surfboard to avoid the soup.

Duck dive in a very short time

Both surfboards and surfers have buoyancy.
Especially, the buoyancy of the surfboard is great.
Even if you sink the surfboard, it will come up immediately.
Yes, you can’t dive in the water for a long time like a duck.
Also, the depth of sinking is not that great.

You dive with your surfboard in a short amount of time and emerge
in a short amount of time.
During this short time, you have to avoid the soup.

Avoid duck dives if possible

Predict where to break when the waves are approaching.

Reduce the number of duck dives

1.Please check the waves from the land before entering the sea.
Look for places with more and less wave breaks.
Choose a location with less wave breaks and paddle out.
The number of duck dives is reduced.

2.Depending on the wave break, you may be able to avoid the wave break
by paddling to the right or left.
In this case, do not hesitate to avoid it.
You don’t have to duck dive.

3.If you paddle offshore, you may arrive offshore before the waves break.
In this case, move offshore and avoid breaks.

Duck dive methods

I will tell you how to duck dive.

The place and timing of duck dive is important.
Predict where the waves will break.
Paddle and move to a place where you can duck dive as easily as possible.

Step 1: Before the break

Speed ​​up with a paddle.
Even if the duck dive is successful, it is often returned to the shore for a while.
So speed up as much as you can and don’t let the waves return you to the shore.

Also, the surfboard becomes unstable in the moving waves.
If you increase the speed even a little, the surfboard will be stable and easy to sink.

Step 2: Approximately 2 feet (2 m) before the break

Please sink the nose.
The surfboard doesn’t sink immediately, so you need to prepare early.
Starting a duck dive where the soup hits you has no effect.

Grab the surfboard rail with both hands.
A good position is a little closer to the nose than the chest.
The buoyancy of the surfboard is large near the chest.
Grabbing near the nose, which has less buoyancy, makes it easier to sink the surfboard.

Stretch your arms like push-ups.
If you use only the strength of your arms, you will get tired.
Move your body forward and use the weight of your head and upper body.
Just like a duck, go down.
Here, the position where the surfboard is submerged should be deep enough to avoid the soup.

Step3:Under the wave break

Sink the tail and level the board.
Use your backfoot knees or toes to push in the tail.

Case to push with knee
The surfboard cannot be sunk with strong force.
However, it requires less physical strength.
For small waves, this method is easier.

Case to push with toes
You can sink the surfboard with a strong force.
However, it also consumes physical strength.
Use this method for large waves.
If you use your toes, it’s a good idea to put your toes on the tail kick
of the traction pad.

At this time, move the foot that is not on the tail to the back side.
Move this foot to the point where it comes out of the water.
The reaction of raising your foot allows you to sink the tail further.

When the surfboard is level, bend your hands down, let your body dive, and stick your chest to the surfboard.

You cannot sink the surfboard and body at the same time. You can do it well by sinking only the surfboard first and then sinking your body.
The time the surfboard and body are submerged is about 1 or 2 seconds. It’s a very short time.
Please adjust so that the soup passes at this timing.
Timing is very important.

Step4:After the soup has passed

Keep your body in close contact with the surfboard and point the nose up.
As soon as you surface, get ready for paddling and start paddling.

My failure story

I will talk about when I was a beginner.
During the duck dive, I focused on sinking the nose, trying to dive as deep as possible.
Therefore, when the soup came, the nose sank and the tail floated.
I didn’t control the surfboard horizontally.
Therefore, I was strongly influenced by the soup and was returned to the shore.
I didn’t consider the time I could dive.

After a few years, I started to get the timing right, with the intention of finishing it in 2 seconds.
And I’ve improved my duck dive.


How about this article?
Duck dive is a technique that takes only 1 to 2 seconds.
Often, TIPS that focuses on how to sink the surfboard is introduced,
but I think the concept of time should be considered.
If the timing shifts even a little, it will fail and you will be returned to the shore.
Look closely at the breaks in the waves and set the timing within about a second or two
when you can dive.

I hope this article has helped you.
Thank you for reading.

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Views: 349

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