When I take off, even if I stand on the surfboard, I quickly lose balance and fall. Why?
Oliver’s takeoff lacks knee bending.

Do I need to bend my knees?
Bending your knees will stabilize your body. Therefore, the probability of wiping out is reduced. This time, I will talk about the importance of bending the knee.

Need to bend the knee
・ Because the posture of the surfer is lowered, the body becomes stable.
・During takeoff, the surfboard does not stall.
・ Bend your knees ⇒ You can extend your knees. By extending your knees, you can load the surfboard.
Because the posture of the surfer is lowered, the body become stable
When the surfer bends his knees, his posture is lowered. The center of gravity of the surfer will be low.

What are the advantages of having a low center of gravity?
A low center of gravity stabilizes your body. It is difficult to fall into water even on unstable waves. Many novice surfers lack bending knees. They intend to bend their knees, but they can’t. That’s why they wipe out.

How should I practice?
Keep as low as possible when popping up. If you lift your upper body like a push-up, keep your upper body in place, raise your hips, bend your knees, and place your feet on the surfboard. Keep your hands on the surfboard so that you can put your feet on the surfboard.

If I pop up with my hands on the surfboard, I’m in a low position.
I recommend repeating this exercise over and over again. That way, the success rate will increase even on the waves.

During take off, the surfboard does not stall
Many beginner surfers stand with their knees extended during takeoff. If you stretch your knees, you will lose your balance. At the time of takeoff, there are cases where the surfboard is starting to move, but the back foot is overloaded and the nose angle points upward, causing the surfboard to stall.

How should I practice?
If the surfboard starts to move during takeoff, be careful not to change the angle of the surfboard nose. If you bend your knees and stay low, the angle of the nose of the surfboard will not change and the surfboard will not stall.

Bend your knees ⇒ You can extend your knees. By extending your knees, you can load the surfboard
If you bend your knees, you can always extend your knees. You can load the surfboard by stretching your knees. When you load the surfboard, the surfboard sinks and accelerates with the force of lifting. After taking off, surfers often make ups and downs or bottom turns. These techniques require knee flexion and extension. Bend your knees and you’ll be ready for action after the takeoff.

The following articles will surely help you. Please read by all means.

Cause of surfing takeoff failure(6)-Because you have a surfboard that is difficult to take off
Cause of surfing takeoff failure(7)-Because you haven’t practiced take-off body motion repeatedly on land.
Cause of surfing takeoff failure(8)-Because you misunderstand that takeoff is a steep fall
Cause of surfing failure(10)-Because you stopped paddling in the middle. A minimum of 10 paddles are required
cause of surfing takeoff failure(12)-Because you are trying to use your ankle, calf and thigh muscles to keep you from falling off the surfboard
Cause of surfing takeoff failure(13)-Because you have little experience with takeoff
Cause of surfing takeoff failure(14)-Because your stance is narrow and you put your feet in the wrong position
Cause of surfing takeoff failure(15)-Because it is slow to move your paddling
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Surfing Tips-Correct knee bending that beginners do not know
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