Wavalien, help me!
What’s up?

I just fail to take off. Other surfers can take off, but I can’t take off from the same place. Paddle in the correct takeoff position. But only I will be left in the waves.
You’re in the right paddle position and you fail to take off. However, other surfers succeed in taking off from the same place. The reason is···

The reason is?
Because you stopped paddling in the middle. Paddling is more important than a beginner might imagine. When taking off. This time, I will talk about paddling.

・Paddle at least 10 times for a successful takeoff
・Move your arms and paddle at a tremendous speed
Paddle at least 10 times for a successful takeoff
How many times does Oliver paddle before takeoff?

About 5-6 times.
Paddling gets tired. Therefore, beginners tend to paddle less often.

So how many times should I paddle?
Try paddling 10 times or more each time. Every time. At any time. It is important to decide 10 times or more. To paddle 10 times, you start paddling early. Beginner paddling speed is slow. However, paddle 10 times to help you reach the speed you need to take off.
At the time of takeoff, increasing the number of paddles once or twice will have a great effect. If you’re about to fail your takeoff, don’t give up and paddle to the end.

Move your arms and paddle at a tremendous speed
What do you think is important for paddling?

Is it the power to paddle?
You also need power. However, more important than power is the speed at which you move your arms. Anyway, do a paddle that moves your arms as soon as possible. That will surely increase the success rate of takeoff.

・ Number of paddling
・ Speed to move the arm
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